Friday, October 26, 2012

Never thought I'd use this database!

I've never been crafty.  My mother didn't have a sewing machine and I was traumatized by home ec in junior high school.  However, I discovered that I LOVE the Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center.  What a surprise!

I'm a birder, I keep a life list of sorts.  I never go on a trip without my binoculars.  So, of course, I looked at Bird Watching, under Outdoors and Nature.  Needless to say, the EMMC library doesn't subscribe to any of these journals, nor do I.  So it's good to know I can read them here.  There were 50 projects and I'm not inspired to do any of them.  I'm not sure "serious" birders are necessarily the type to do projects (birdhouse switch plate covers?  whimsical garden shower curtain?).

But all was not in vain.  I switched to Cooking, specifically vegetarian, and discovered my favorite magazine, Cooking Light.  I stopped subscribing about 5 years ago in a fit of frugality.  Woo hoo!  I quickly found and saved some great recipes.  Now, I'm a convert.

One thing I don't like about this  (and all of the Ebsco databases in Marvel) is that when you email articles to yourself, they arrive 1 article per email.  I wish they could come all attached to one email.  I looked in the help to see if this was something that could be modified but I don't think it can.  Also, the help section says you can do a "visual search" and has a screen shot but this option does not show up in our database.  Too bad, I wanted to use it in the Bird Watching sub-category.


  1. As someone who discovered her interest in crafting late in life (I took International Politics instead of home ec), I was greatly amused by your first paragraph! And glad I read your post, because I meant to check under vegetarian cooking myself and got distracted by knitting videos. Thanks for the interesting post and for reminding me about the cooking!

  2. Hi
    In most of the Ebsco databases, you can put a number of articles into a folder, then email the folder to yourself. See if that works to get more than one article at a time.

